
Showing posts from October, 2021

My News Sources

 1ST SOURCE: AP NEWS I’m not big on politics or political news, however, since I’m now of age to vote I do understand the importance of being informed about the political world. The Associated Press is a great source that is reputable and unbiased towards the political parties in the USA. Those are the two main reasons I use AP News anytime there is a political issue or topic, I’m interested in delving deeper into learning about. Plus, AP News is a great base to build your own political opinions from. I start looking up things on their website, before I go to NYTIMES or WASHINGTONPOST .   2ND SOURCE: SH*TYOUSHOULDCAREABOUT I would say that this is my daily source of news. This is an Instagram page I began following at the beginning of the pandemic. It focuses on world news, covering everything from vaccine updates to why Apple’s weather app won’t say 69 degrees, so I feel highly informed. The account is based out of New Zealand and has more than just an Insta page. The news coverage t