About Me

Hi guys, my name is Davis Ritenour, and I am from Wilkes County, North Carolina. I am currently studying Popular Culture and Media Production at High Point University. I am a High Point University Presidential Scholar, Siegfried Leadership Fellow, and member of Alpha Lambda Delta. Additionally, I am the social media manager for the American Sign Language Club.

I am passionate about all things popular culture. My interests are widespread including, reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and writing. In my free time, I love to hang out with my family, friends, and dog. I also, enjoy making videos with my friends. It is because of these hobbies that I want to pursue a career in screenwriting and storytelling. 

Over this past summer, I had the opportunity to do undergraduate research studying pedagogical oppression, hyperreality, and how the movie, Cabin in the Woods can be used as a metacognitive function to relate these. My mentor and I are currently co-authoring an autoethnography piece about our research. I hope to continue research and analyzing different aspects of popular culture in the future. 

To close, I thought I would share one of my favorite quotes: “I believe in you.’ Words that water flowers.” – Michael Faudet


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