EOTO: Hulu

For a class project, we were divided into groups and each member had to choose a specific technology from a graphic. We then have to present a little crash course about our technology, in addition to writing a blog post about our research. I chose Hulu, so without further adieu. 

Before Hulu was a massive streaming platform strictly for the United States, Hulu was first a website. It started in 2007, with shows and movies streaming on their website, using Adobe Systems Incorporated Flash Player for free with advertisements. Still only available in the US. Later on, in March of 2007, NBC Universal and News Corporation announced the beta version would be out in October of 2007. Hulu became open to the public in March of 2008. (Britannica)

Hulu was invented/ founded by a group of business executives; “Bruce Campbell; Peter Chernin; JP Perrette; Michael Lang; Beth Comstock; and Jason Kilar.” Jason Kilar was named chief executive. Initial distribution partners, according to FOX News were, “NBC Universal, News Corporation, AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo were announced as "initial distribution partners," according to a press release” (FoxBusiness). 

Later, in 2010, Hulu reversed their free access for a subscription based platform. The creation of their subscription business model allowed for them to create a variety of packages, including an option without ads. Also, this allowed for some shows to be fully uploaded to the platform for viewers to watch. This was in retaliation to compete with normal television providers in advertising revenue. Thus, creating Hulu+.

Through the creation of bundle deals with other companies, like Disney and Spotify, Hulu was able to solve some of their financing issues that aren’t met with advertising… something that cable and satellite providers can’t do in relation to competing with streaming services. As streaming platforms have advanced, some television providers have had to merge. DirecTV and AT&T merged last year. (TimeServices like this are causing fewer and fewer viewers of cable and satellite tv, especially smaller companies to be able to provide certain channels due to not being able to create a streaming service or bundle with bigger companies.
    Streaming services and Hulu have changed how we consume television entertainment. We no longer have to purchase DVDs to watch television seasons of our favorite shows or our favorite movies, we can watch it from our laptops or phones, via downloading or by having a WiFi connection.

Additionally, as of May 2017, Hulu introduces a live tv option for subscribers, so they can view live television from any device and anywhere. This option can have negative effects on good old fashion television, which are expressed above.
    As of 2019, the Walt Disney Company gained full control of Hulu. This goes to show how streaming platforms have revolutionized how we consume entertainment. With a new company runner, some previous deals are ending or coming to an end, meaning that some content will be removed. While this sounds negative, it’s actually a positive for Hulu to create content of their own, which they have a pretty good track record of. (The Handmaid’s Tale, Little Fires Everywhere, and Only Murders in the Building just to name a few.) (CNNBusiness)

Crash course over. I hope this provides a good overview of Hulu that’s intriguing enough to check

out the platform, the history, and news about the service as well.

For more information about a Hulu overview, including their use of social media for marketing check out this link.


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