Anti-War Voices

 I have never heard of these websites (ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative) before… I could think of a lot of reasons why I may have never come across these websites. However, my educated guess is that it has to do with agenda setting and media framing. Agenda setting is what the media thinks you need to think about. This factors in with the media agenda and public agenda, which is what the people think are the most important issues. Media framing is what the media includes and excludes about an issue. 

    The reason why you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong anti-war voices is because anti-war campaigns do not align with the media’s narrative. Therefore, since it does not align with the media’s agenda, it cannot become the public’s agenda, and then it gets excluded from being an issue. 

I think the reason why people may have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong anti-war voices is because of the above reasoning, they do not have as easy of access to them. I guess, people are interested in our country’s foreign affairs or they are interested in wanting a more well-rounded knowledge of everything our country is involved in. Whatever the reason, I think that it is important to provide this information, instead of trying to keep it in the dark. How are we supposed to keep our government in check, if we do not know everything our country is doing? 

With that being said, I think these websites are a good starting place for people to dig deeper into this type of news. From this starting point, they could go to world news perhaps or news outlets of the countries these events are taking place. 


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