
 Privacy. Something all humans value, yet we seem to give away without thinking about it. Something I’m guilty of doing too. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ll clue you in. The internet. Social media. 

Let me lay out the business model of Facebook. This was both discussed in various videos, (which can be found here) and in class. 

  1. Contract of Adhesion - this is when you agree to terms & conditions on the internet or social media platforms. Basically, this is you and the provider entering a contract, where they hold all the power to negotiate. 

  2. Data Mining

    1. User-generated - you as a user’s info! Think about all the fields you have to complete in order to use or have a service, like Instagram or Gmail.

    2. Tracking malware - harmful to your devices. 

    3. Deep packet inspection - inspects your information and can potentially block, alert, re-route, or log it.

  3. Digital Dossier - a fancy way of saying your digital footprint. 

  4. Behavioral Marketing - a form of marketing to target audiences by finding location, intentions, behavior, and interests. 

  5. Third Party Doctrine - when you give your info to the second party, you have given over your control of downstream uses by the third party. 

Even with all of this, some of the knowledge known or not, is it reasonable to have expectations of privacy? This was the question we left as food for thought. I am of the opinion that you can still maintain your privacy, even if you have social media. I say that because, you are incharge of what you post, what you look up, what you sign up for. By knowing this information, individuals can be more prepared on how to properly use the internet and social media. If you can, make a fake email, filled out with fake information. It’s important to remember not to post everything that you do and to take everything you do see with a grain of salt.


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