Values of Free Expression

Two speech theories resonate with me the most currently. These theories are: Individual Self-Fulfillment and Promote Tolerance. While all eight speech theories are important and I initially selected five to address, I narrowed it down to two speech theories for their current relationships they have today. 

    It’s hard to believe that our country supports the practice of free speech, even when that extends to hate speech. According to the Promote Tolerance speech theory, “the First Amendment protects hate speech because society learns valuable lessons from, including why it is hateful and worthy of condemnation.” While this is a tough pill to swallow, freedom of speech is one reason that sets America apart from others. Even when news and events get misconstrued on social media. 

The example I’m referring to is the spreading of demonic conspiracy theories surrounding the Astroworld Festival events on TikTok. These conspiracy theories include anti-vaccine misinformation, that QAnon injected the crowd with drugs, and that Travis Scott’s management team planned the whole event, leaving hundreds injured and eight dead. 

This isn’t the only time TikTok has been an outlet of conspiracy mania. During the summer of 2020, the theory of Wayfair using furniture containers to smuggle children began to catch wind. Additionally, TikTok has not gotten rid of the QAnon and QAnon-adjacent posts about a sex trafficking ring. 

It’s with platforms like this and the internet that censorship comes into play. With that being said, how does this affect the right of free speech? Yes, this information online, that is not true and known to not be, is of the extremist nature and is upsetting, but it’s known to not be true. From what I’ve learned so far in this class, not allowing people to say what they want, (as long as it isn’t slander or going to incite events), is a prior restraint, which is not what this country supports.


As a lover of popular culture, I’m of course for the right of individual self-fulfillment. This falls into the Individual Self-Fulfillment speech theory. I think the right of free speech to express yourself, create an identity, and find a group of people with the same likes and hobbies is so important. 

Now I’m going to take this a step further. I think you should have the means to own your own copyright. It’s important for me to say, I don’t know the logistics of this, so don’t consider me an expert. However, I know that Mary Louise Alcott knew to own her copyright.

    I also know that Taylor Swift is re-recording her first six albums because she wasn’t able to purchase them and own her hard work. Taylor shared this on an Instagram post back in March, ““Artists should own their own work for so many reasons,” she wrote in a March 2021 Instagram post. “But the most screamingly obvious one is that the artist is the only one who really knows that body of work.””

     I would just like to close out saying that these are the two speech theories that resonate with me the most. Furthermore, these are two examples that are current and I think apply in today’s society. 


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