Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation
To explain the Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations theory, I am going to supply the chart, similar to the one we made in class, as well as explain it using my first EOTO: Hulu.
The introduction phase was from 2007 to 2008. This would include the pioneers who consisted of the business executives who invented this streaming platform, plus the consumers who tested the prototype.
After its launch in October of 2008, would be the adoption phase, when the early adopters, also known as the consumers who first used the product. These users would be the ones using the website to watch television shows a few days after they aired with ads.
Next is the tipping point, which would be the creation of Hulu+ in 2010. This would be when the early majority of consumers would start using this service. Hulu+ was the launch of the subscription base service, offering different packages and bundles.
The maturation phase, consisting of the late majority, would be in 2017. I use this point in time for Hulu because they already have a dedicated audience of consumers. Yet, they felt the need to add another feature to their service: live tv.
The saturation point for Hulu, I would argue, was in 2019. This was after Disney acquired the company. At this point in time, everyone who wants Hulu, already has it, reaching the “85%” of the population/ point on the chart. Therefore, only the laggards would be left.
For more info, here is a timeline of Hulu's history.
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